Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update on Freedom Status

Ok, so I lied. I didn't end up washing my car by hand. I turned to those fantastic laserwashes to do the job for me. My car was at the point where it was no longer black, it was brown. And to make matters worse, it was sporting a makeshift 'Loser!' statement on the trunk. Ya era tiempo. Now all it needs is to be cleaned thru the inside...

My bed and I haven't made up yet but it seems we're on talking terms. I figure as long as I give it some attention, I should still be allowed enough time to do the things on my 'days off list'. I already accomplished three things: car wash, family time, and a movie (yay! cuz it wasn't a cartoon). I'm gonna be working on checking off the other two from my list.

The things I'm capable of when I make the effort... I'm unstoppable, baby!

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