Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Laredo's Beauty

There are always complaints about how there's never anything good about Laredo. I hear it everyday. 'Laredo's too hot, Laredo's boring, Laredo's too small'....it goes on and on. Of course Laredo has its drawbacks, as with any other place, and there are a lot of things that are going wrong in the city. I'm not oblivious to it BUT Laredo is my hometown. I made it my mission to find the beauty in Laredo...here are a couple of pics I've taken so far.

Sunset in my 'hood

another afternoon at the lake

the path less traveled

una noche en la presa

Ok so I cheated. Of course there's always gonna be fantastic nature pics at the lake. Como quieras, it's in Laredo, right? With all its imperfections, I love the city that I was born and raised in because it holds meaning to me.

Aside from the fondess I have for my city, there's another thing that's evident from these pics: I need a new camera. There's only so much my rinky dinky camera can do and I'm starting to see that perhaps it might be time to upgrade. Pero por hortia, it's been doing a pretty good job.

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