Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cruising Down Hwy 83

I often have to travel to Rio Bravo and El Cenizo in order to complete some tasks at work. I love it. I don't mind the fact that I have to battle morning and afternoon Southside traffic. I put on my tunes (CDs cuz I don't have a fancy stereo system) y me voy en un viaje (literally).

I love working with the families from those cities. I've found some pretty awesome people over there. Talking to the teenagers are the best. The terminology they use might be considered inappropriate but I've learned some pretty neat phrases. Most of them I will never use in everyday language, because it would be sooo wrong but I'm sure one day it'll come in handy. At least I'll know what they mean when they're telling me off in the current slang words.

It's fun to visit those cities. There are some changes being made within the cities which is beyond awesome. It makes my weekly visits all that more enjoyable. For one, the main street has been paved. Yay! Another thing is that streets in El Cenizo now have appropriate stop signs and are now clearly labeled. I don't know how many times I've gotten lost, but trust me, it's been a lot.

Street signs make my life so much simpler
The only thing that needs a lil tweaking are the streets in Rio Bravo. I drive like a viejita over there cuz I'm scared I'm gonna lose a tire somewhere. Pero al final de cuentas, me encanta.

BTW always make sure your car is in tip top shape and full of gas should you decide to venture to El Cenizo.
 I never freakin learn!

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