Thursday, August 25, 2011

Late Night Blogging

It's been kinda slow around here lately. There ain't really much to write about so I've been kinda grasping at straws. I've also been dealing with a series of headaches that I've been trying to fight by going to sleep early so it doesn't leave much of a chance for writing.

See, I blog at night; after my baby finally goes to sleep. Blogging while my kiddo is awake is nearly impossible and I really don't feel right not giving her my full attention. So often times, it'll be way after midnight when I finally start posting things.

Therefore, please, please excuse my grammar mistakes. Most of the time (at least, I think) I'm able to catch the mistakes before I publish. But there have been a few times when I re-read entries and mistakes will litter the page. Since I'm kinda a perfectionist, I will go back and correct them, but since now you know what the deal is, I won't freak out and feel the need to go back and edit.

I minored in English but that really don't matter much since I don't really use it on a daily basis. So my sincerest apologies. Hope you understand.

Oh, and I know the Spanish is disculpas.

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