Wednesday, April 6, 2011

'Te Portas Bien'

Hold on.....let me drag out my soapbox for a quick second.....alright.......ahem:

I don't understand why I'm constantly being told que me porte bien. This stems from a current issue I'm having with someone I'm talking to. Whenever I hang up with him, I always hear, 'te portas bien, ok'. My response is always a sarcastic 'yes, sir', while inwardly fighting the urge to give him a piece of my mind. I understand what he means by that, but still it bothers the crap outta me.

I tell my lil girl that phrase when I drop her off at daycare. I employ it in order to mold her mannerisms for her future. I don't catch myself telling other adults that phrase. They should already freakin know how to behave and whether they do or don't it's entirely up to them. They'll be the ones dealing with the consequences. Sheesh!

I dunno, maybe I have misfit tattooed on my forehead cuz he's not the first one to tell me that I need to behave. I'm not a bad person. Sure, sometimes I get myself into uncomfortable spots, but I don't create trouble. I know, I know, I'm making a tiny situation into something major. Keep in mind that I'm the over-analyzer extraordinaire. I just don't understand it. I'm a mature adult and I do an excellent job at tending to my responsibilities. But I guess I'll continue biting my tongue whenever I hear that phrase...why start an argument for no particular reason.

 I guess, in the end, si me tengo que portar bien.

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