Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Major League Adventure

I've been thinking about doing the unthinkable. It's due to the fact that my life has currently turned into a monotonous routine and I think I need to spice it up a lil. I've been pondering the idea of joining an adult softball league...What?! Me?! Yes, I am seriously considering it.

To be honest, it's mainly because at work, they've recently started a team so it's an easy feat to overcome. Believe me, if it weren't due to that, I wouldn't even be thinking about doing such a thing. I'm such a wuss, especially when it comes to talking to people I don't even know. Anyways, so yes, I am seriously contemplating on joining the team. I'm actually excited about the practices, the games, the competition, the crowd.....I think it just might be what my life's been missing.

But there's one thing I must keep in mind.....THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL (well in my case, softball).

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