Saturday, April 23, 2011

Glass Kitchen

Recently, I was driving around with an acquaintance of mine. We were passing by the Glass Kitchen on Corpus Christi when I hear him exclaim "Glass Kitchen's food sucks". I swear I almost threw his butt outta the car right there. I couldn't believe my ears.

I adore Glass Kitchen. Aside from Danny's, Glass Kitchen is my favorite restaurant.  I've been eating there for years, way longer than I've been visiting my dear ol' friend Danny. My opinion may be a bit biased though.

When I was younger, on any random day, my grandmother would invite me to go and get a burger and fries. Most often, it was more than just once a week. That was my grandmother's hang out. She'd take her best friend, get some food, and catch up. Whenever my tios would take out my grandma, Glass Kitchen is where they'd head to. Its employees already knew my family members. There were countless moments spent there with various family members. My memories at 'el glass kitchen' are abundant and they're all good.

My acquaintance's words really struck a nerve. Then again, he doesn't have much taste so I'm not at all surprised. The food is good. There's a reason why they won the 'best hamburger award' some years ago. I think the banner still hangs on the wall. Whenever my dad wants to take a break from the fast-paced Laredo life, we head over to Glass Kitchen and time seems to slow down. It's like I'm eight all over again and I'm waiting to see if this time, Grandma will buy me a sundae.

So, Glass Kitchen is a great place to go, have some good food, and enjoy a comforting atmosphere. Don't pay attention to all those people who are too 'chocante' to appreciate a good thing. Glass Kitchen is the place to be.


DeLaredo said...

I happen to agree with your acquaintance. For some unknown reason, Glass Kitchen bills itself as some sort of iconic local hamburger joint. The two or three times I have been there, I was not impressed. Maybe its just me. I could be wrong.

Furniture in Life said...

You and my tasteless acquaintance are more than welcome to your opinions. I've asked around for others' thoughts and have found the same response: what makes it THE Glass Kitchen is that once you step into their building, it's like time froze back in 1992. The restaurant doesn't pretend to be something more than what it is, a humble hamburger 'joint'. Personally, I'd chose the ternera burger over any McDonald's or Wendy's combo any day. But like I said, you're free to your thoughts.