Monday, February 7, 2011

Stairs that Lead Nowhere and Everywhere

These here stairs, as you can tell, they don't lead anywhere. My grandmother's house used to be attached to them by means of a room and then the house was moved or something...I don't really know the specifics as to how these stairs came to be but all I know is that they're there. These stairs are very old, probably as old as the house which is about forty-odd years. When I was younger, my cousins, siblings and I would congregate on these steps and play 'la escuelita'. I would play the part of the teacher and try to lecture my students on a variety of subjects. Most of the time, my students, didn't give me the time of day but every once in a while they'd humor me in answering my questions. I guess that's why in the end, even though teaching is a family profession, I couldn't make myself go into the field. I was just not made for that game.

These steps served as our playground when were smaller, our escape destination when our teenage selves needed a break from our parents, and now they serve as a flashback to when times were simpler. They're not the most comfortable seats but often times, we can sit there for hours and hours and just hang out with the family. These stairs have seen their share of events. Whether it be when we were kids using the stairs as our 'base' for our hide-and-seek games, or when the family would sit together and tell their famous ghost stories, or when my cousin and I snuck out of my house for the first time (we were good kids, I swear). If these stairs could talk, I bet we'd hear some pretty awesome stuff.

With life moving at high speeds, the continued existance of these stairs reminds me to sit down every once in a while and just take a breather. It doesn't matter how  many times this stairs have numbed my butt, you best believe I'm gonna continue to visit them often.

1 comment:

Your Prima said...

As soon as I read the title- I knew which "stairs" you were talking about! Good one!