Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sis Boom Blah!

It's been a while since I last checked in. I guess that last Cowboys loss really did me in....nah, I'm kidding. Work really kicked my butt this week and apparently there's a stomach virus going around that turned my normally cheery, hyper lil girl to the demon from The Exorcist (the puking one only...not the scary head-turning one). But I have managed to keep my sense of humor about everything, especially when my mom has her own sick sense of humor. Here's a picture message she sent me recently....
it had to be Romo, quien mas!
Gosh, she really knows how to hit where it hurts. She's never been a Dallas fan, much to the chagrin of my father and brothers. She even called me after sending it just to make sure I did receive it. Te digo....and they're off this Sunday which sucks even more. 

BUT, at least the Rangers are playing and they're doing even better than the Cowboys. Yes, I understand some hardcore Ranger fans might be offended that I'm comparing the two pero me vale! I've bought merchandise for both teams so I can do as I wish. 



Alex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Furniture in Life said...

Okay so I accidentally erased a comment earlier. I don't want readers thinking I censor them so I'm gonna go ahead and post DeLaredo's witty remark....yes, it totally was an accident.

DeLaredo said:

Careful FIL, or you might get run-over by the bandwagon right behind you.