Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Halloween's right around the corner and my lil girl's been bugging me with what she's gonna be wearing to go trick-or-treating. Last year, my sisters-in-law and I decided to be the same thing. It took away the whole searching and wondering what to be for the spooky night. We were witches. Yes, my brothers laughed at us and would constantly replace the 'W' with a 'B'. What can I say, they're dumb butts.

Anyways, costumes ideas for this year were varying from fairies to angels to the Pink Ladies from Grease. I was going more for the ladies theme but changed my mind when I went to see the costumes at a couple of places. I was thinking about these ideas:
this would give out the perfect message!
what could be more original than a taco

But thought otherwise. I even came to find that there's costumes for Jersey Shore, Miami Ink, and even Charlie Sheen. Really? Ssseriously! I miss the costumes of back in the day. Plastic masks that would make ur face sweat and made breathing kinda difficult but they were fun. Ooh well. Still in our quest, we were able to find suitable costumes that aren't really original but are doable. This year's theme is gonna be vampires. My lil girl's gonna be a 'batarina'. I thought of the plain ol' vampire costume but it'd look tooo boyish and mija's a bit girly....waaaay girlier than her mother.

Pero, I'm gonna add in some fangs and blood on her mouth. It is Halloween, after all, and she has to look evil in some way! After all, when she was two, I dressed her up as Chucky. Good thing she didn't (and still doesn't) know who that mono is, otherwise she'd never let me do that to her.  Small trick-or-treaters ran away from her crying, thinking she was the real deal come alive. There were even some moms who would look at her and say 'ay, que feo niƱo' and ask if she was real or a doll.

she looks scary, doesn't she
It has been, so far, the best (and cheapest) costume idea ever.

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