Monday, July 18, 2011

Lady Backs It Up

A cousin of mine had sent me the link to this video a while ago. I absolutely love it. It's a true story about a robbery at some store in some state (ok, I didn't pay attention to the details). The lady's recount of the event already sounds kinda funny to begin with. Then with the magic that can be done with editing, mixing music, and all these technological stuff that are completely beyond my knowledge, you end up with the following:
To say that it's hilarious is really putting it lightly. Even my dad, who's sense of humor is a bit more conservative, thought it was funny. I've seen the video a whole bunch of times, more than I'd like to admit, just to hear the song. I can't seem to get enough of it. Now, thanks to my brother, I have a clip of the song as my ring tone. 

I never said I was cool, so you really shouldn't be surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. It's the guys who made Antoine Dodson famous. Funny stuff.
