Tuesday, July 12, 2011


About a week ago, I started seeing a lot of Facebook 'friends' posting comments including the word 'fuaaa'. Usually their statuses included partying hard and getting drunk. But I didn't fully understand what the word meant or where it even came from. I asked around and everyone directed me to a video on YouTube. This is the explanation I ran into:
I may be a bit behind with this and I may be completely misguided but this is what my research turned up. From my understanding, Fuaaa is a form of expression to release some sort of emotion and it's been used a lot at Mexico's soccer games. Or it's also another way to spit at somebody. The guy in the video is pretty entertaining but I'm not all to sure I'd give some random drunk guy tooooo much credit. Then again, it has caused quite a ruckus in the Tweeter and Facebook world. Maybe he's on to something....

Or maybe we're fascinated with any little thing nowadays. Makes ya wonder, huh?


Friends have been texting me, asking whether the 'Tweeter' thing was on purpose. Sorry to say it wasn't. For some reason, I thought it was 'Tweeter' instead of the actual Twitter. So sue me, I don't subscribe to it. Might be an indicator that I'm getting old. Like when my mom would call Snoop Dogg, Snoopy Dog and we'd be shocked that she didn't know how to say it correctly. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

I remember one time I overdid it at Firenzi's (1990 perhaps) and all my 'fua' ended up on my friends shoes. That's the only time I remember getting that sick. I really don't know why I went for the gusto that night.


Furniture In Life said...

From what I remember, Firenzi's was excellent at helping people rid themselves of their 'fua'. Those were some blurry times.