Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Go Blue!!!

I thought I'd give you a lil update as to how our softball escapade has been going. There's about six games left till the season is done. Sorry to say that we haven't won a single game.

yup, those are sweat stains...y eso que we played a 9:30pm game
Well, the only game that was won was a game where my team had to forfeit. The other team agreed to a friendly game and my team ended up winning. Unfortunately, I didn't attend that game cuz I was off frolicking in San Antonio. Yea, my teammates weren't all that happy, especially since we were short just one player, but they got over it and allowed me to continue playing (goes to show how desperate they were).

Even though we're on a continuous losing strike, I look forward to the games. They're fun, entertaining, and a great stress reliever. It's even become somewhat of a family affair since one of my brothers joined the team. It's supposed to be a business team but there are only four actual employees playing. The other members are friends, family members, or last minute substitutes.

One of my friends, who plays second base, recently confided in me that when she's waiting for the other team's batter to hit, she's telling herself "I am speed, I am speed, I am speed" over and over in her head. She says it sikes her up and gets her ready for the hit. Yes, she's a mom  so I understand the cartoon reference but really? I always thought she was seriously focused on the game awaiting any move the other team made and there she is...relying on a cartoon to provide her with courage. Oh well, I guess we all have our quirks.

I usually play catcher or somewhere on the outfield. I'm not good, not at all. Most of the time I miss the flys and the grounders get away from me BUT I have somewhat mastered the art of hitting the ball. Yes, I must say I can get the ball at least clear over shortstop. It don't mean that I'll get to first base before the ball gets there but at least I try.

So, I'm hoping for a win this season. At least one, then I can go into the off season content knowing a team, with a whole bunch of girls, won a game. There have been a couple of games where the wives of the other team players have started with their heckling. It's annoying, especially when all I wanna do is throw the ball right at them. I mean, gimme a break, if they thought they could do so much better, why aren't they on the field? It's part of the game, I know, but still...you'd think they give us silly girls some credit.

Anyways, I'll update again when we're done with the games. It's been fun so far and I haven't gotten hurt...just my pride but I'm kinda getting used to it. As long as I don't hear any of these insults, I think I'll be able to finish the season without getting into a brawl.

Stay tuned.

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