Friday, January 14, 2011

So What Am I?


I've been living under a rock recently but I heard that zodiac signs had shifted or changed or something of the kind. Spacebook has been going postal with sobbing statuses of "How can I possibly be a Taurus now?" and "I'm not an Aquarius, I've always been an Aries!!" According to the 'old' zodiac signs, I was a Libra.
     Libra: easygoing, sociable, romantic, diplomatic, peaceable, gullible, flirtatious, and indecisive

To be honest, every morning I read my horoscope not so much to see how my day will go, but just for kicks. I find it funny to see what people will fall for. Sure, looking at these characteristics, a couple fit my personality but then again, a bunch of characteristics do. But now that the signs have changed, my 'new' sign would be Virgo.

     Virgo: compassionate, devoted, imaginative, accepting, indecisive, lazy, escapist, and oversensitive

Now this here sounds like me too. I don't really see the difference but I'd rather be a Virgo since it doesn't involve all that romantic crap that Libra has. Still, I read an article that explained that the signs had not changed at all. Good thing cuz it means that I won't look so dumb having my Libra sign tattoo. Whew, I dodged a bullet.

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