Tuesday, October 5, 2010


 I absolutely loooooove Halloween. It's not necessarily the holiday, as much fun as it is, it's more of the feeling of the month of October. It's a family thing, the whole Halloween time period. As young as I can remember, my father would make us Halloween parties. He'd use the excuse that my brother's and my birthday was at the end of Septemeber in order to push it into October and use a Halloween theme. It was always his way of showing his affection for us, considering that he never told us "I love you" or hugged/kissed us. Halloween was his way of expressing  his adoration for my brothers and I. Since then, Halloween has been engraved in our minds as a time of family and a chance to re-tell old family ghost stories. I have a vague memory of being a baby, sitting on a table outside in my grandmother's yard and having the whole family together telling ghost stories. I don't really know why i was scared, considering that I couldn't have understood what they were talking about, but it was the feeling of terror that stuck with me all through the years. I found out later that my parents didn't even spend the night in our own home because they were so scared to be there by themselves. Turns out a lot of family members spend the night at my grandmother's that night.
These stories that are told by my father and other family members are stories that I have heard countless of times. Over and over and over, it'll be the same ones that started off the whole family's fascination with ghosts, goblins, and devils. It never fails that every single time we get together to have our family 'spook-fest' we always get scared. For some reason, at that very moment, we all hear things or see shadows that had never been there before. Who knows, maybe with every single ghost story telling we're opening the doors to the netherworld. I can say though, it's always fun and exciting whenever we get together. I have to make it a point to write out some of those stories, just for the sheer purpose of having written record that they existed.
It's just the beginning of the best time of the year.

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