Thursday, October 11, 2012

1 Pay it Forward

I liked the movie, but that's not what I was referring to. When I started the blog, Mr. DeLaredo 2.0 was the one who really pushed me to start it. I wasn't all too interested, cuz I didn't think anyone would really want to read what I wrote. Well, I came to find out otherwise.

And if it hadn't been for his incessant nagging, I mean encouragement, I wouldn't have taken the first step of my long therapy session. So, when I found out a close friend of mine could write, I suggested she start a blog. She was interested from the very beginning but kept putting it off for a while until finally, she took the plunge and joined the blogging world.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you all: Perfect Height for Hugs.

Check it out. It's in the early stages but keep tuned. My friend has a great style of writing.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Ms. India Taranga. :)

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