Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Female Mind

     I recently read a book on how a single female can date four men at once. Each man would serve a purpose in her life. The whole concept of this certain ‘equation’ would be so that the woman can grow as a person yet at the same time, always have a man by her side. It was an interesting read, to say the very least, and it did open my eyes to a couple of things.
     It’s safe to say that the main point to this book isn’t necessarily to find a soul-mate, more than anything, it’s so that the woman can develop into an independent being and find security in herself. That is the mission: to find the true underlying individual and help her blossom and butterfly into whom she is meant to be. Often times, women try to find their value through the eyes of a man, because they think that with a man’s approval, it means that they are actually worth something. That is absolutely not true. Women who base themselves on how many men ‘like’ them, get lost as to the whole purpose of the picture: one has to love his/her self first before anyone else can. It’s one of the hardest lessons to understand and an even harder goal to attain. It’s easier to base one on what other people say. Appreciating who one is as a person, inside and outside, is a very daunting task. It’s one of the most hard-fought battles out there. Having to look into oneself and accepting every single flaw is definitely a hard pill to swallow. That’s why so many avoid attempting to take that medicine. I’d have to say it’s a journey worth taking.

     I've often had acquaintances come and sit with me and tell me about how hard it is to find someone worthwhile. They tell me how awful they feel about themselves and how they will  never find someone (no...I am not referring to myself!). I sit there and listen to them and try to explain that the whole purpose is not really to be on the constant look-out for some guy...it's time to look at who they are are and what they want to change in themselves. Sure, I’d be the first to agree that everyone wants to have someone by their side, but when you have the chance to be single, take it, appreciate it, and use it wisely. Getting into a relationship is a wonderful thing but if one isn’t confident of who they are as a person, getting involved with someone else is going to open a can of worms…I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Most of the women I’ve spoke to who voice their concerns of not finding a guy are often single moms…uh, there are other things to focus on …where are the kids? Ok, ok, that was a little harsh but when one is confident in whom they are, they know where they’re going, and they are loving life, everything else falls into its place......love makes time pass; time makes love pass...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just ran into your blog and think that it's cool. keep up the blogging and i will keep following! I am just another Laredoan that enjoys Laredo and all of our people living here in our own space on the earth.